
reSTYLE ships with several built in logging features to help you debug your UI patterns. You can turn them all on by simply enabling the log config:

@import "restyle";

@include restyle-config(log, true);

Granular logging

As you’ll quickly notice, turning on all logs can get overwhelming for larger projects. Granular logging allows you to turn on specific logs.

For example, to only see time logs, we can do the following:

@include restyle-config(log, (
  time: true // turns on all `time` logs

Still too much noise? We can look at the time:grammar logs:

@include restyle-config(log, (
  time: (
    grammar: true // turns on `time` logs related to `grammar`

Granular config

@include restyle-config(log, (
  define: true,

  time: (
    define: true,
    extend: true,
    grammar: true,
    smart-content: true,
    styles: true,
    styles-from-grammar: true