
We previously learned how to use namespaced keys to represent multiple properties of the same key in a definition. Here we’ll discuss an alternate approach when you need multiple values attached to a single key.


reSTYLE provides a multiple-values function, which takes n number of arguments and decorates them into a single value but preserves the representation.

Let’s rework our previous example with multiple color values:

.example {
  color: #ccc;
  color: rgba(0,0,0, 0.2);

And again we’d get an error if we simply converted this to…

@include restyle-define(example, (
  color: #ccc,
  color: rgba(0,0,0, 0,2)

So let’s give multiple-values a shot:

@include restyle-define(example, (
  color: multiple-values(
    rgba(0,0,0, 0,2)

That’s all folks!

More values, more fun

If you want to actually access these values yourself, you can use the with-multiple-values mixin:

$values: multiple-values(a, b, c);

@include with-multiple-values($values) {
  /* #{$restyle-current-value} */

This mixin will iterate through each value and within the @content block you’ll have access to the current value in the $restyle-current-value variable.

Alternately, you can get collection of values as a list using the get-multiple-values function:

$values: multiple-values(a, b, c);
@each $value in get-multiple-values($values) {
  // do stuff with $value